How to distinguish High Quality Corundum Brick

Corundum brick is with corundum as main material of refractory products, aluminum oxide content > 90%, corundum brick resorts its good chemical stability, good erosion resistance, good wear resistance, be widely used in petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry, coal gasifier residual oil gasifier, pulp waste liquid gasifier, carbon black reacting furnace and other industrial furnace lining.

The packing density of corundum brick has a relationship to abrasive particle size, particle composition, particle brand, particle size, particle shape and other factors. In general coarse granularity is smaller than fine-grained density, the gap between particles is the smaller, the density is the larger. Hybrid particle packing density is greater than the single particle. The density of particles directly affects the density of corundum brick, The density of the particle is the larger, the density of corundum brick is the larger, the real density of corundum brick refers to the quality of the abrasive contained  in unit volume .

Corundum brick is a kind of important refractory brick, the application is very wide, so what are the properties of high quality corundum brick?

  1. Alumina oxide content, common alumina oxide content is the higher, fire resistance is the higher.
  2. Corundum brick has high room temperature compressive strength, compression effect is good, directly affects the quality of corundum brick.
  3. High temperature resistant effect is good, the starting softening temperature is high.
  4. Chemical performance is good, has acid resistance, corrosion resistance, salt resistance and other properties.
  5. The seismic effect of high quality corundum brick is good, robustness is good.

Are The Results of Cryolipolysis Treatment Permanent?

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive, no downtime treatment to reduce fat. If you maintain your weight within a reasonable range, you can expect permanent results to the treated area.
cryolipolysis destroys fat cells by selectively freezing the lipids that are found in fat cells. This results in gradual death of those fat cells. The procedure is performed by first selecting the appropriate head based on the anatomic location being treated. Suction is then applied and the skin and fat fold is brought into the suction head. It is then compressed between two plates giving it a feeling of being pinched. After the skin and fat layer is secured between the two plates, the temperature is dropped sufficiently to freeze the fat. The device is left in place, treating the patient for one hour.
Over the next two months, these fat cells are excreted from the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Once the fat cells are killed they are gone. The cryolipolysis fat freeze fat reduction is permanent in a sense that your fat cells are permanently removed from your body. You do not typically grow additional fat cells unless you put on an immense amount of weight which provides the stimulus for cells to divide.
Cryolipolysis doesn’t give an immediate result, and 3-6 months are needed before the final result is visible. The procedure usually results in a fat reduction of anywhere between 20-25% per treatment.
Multiple areas can be treated by cryolipolysis fat freeze treatments, resulting in gradual reduction of a larger area. The amount of treatments needed depends on the desired amount of fat removal. It can take a few months to see final results from one treatment as the body needs time to adequately dispose of the frozen fat cells.
Common areas treated are the abdomen, the flanks or love handles, and the upper back fat along the bra line. If there is sufficient tissue to be treated in the arm area, it can be used for excess fat in the underarm area. Usually, it is not utilized in the lateral thigh fat because is it not possible to pinch this fat and subsequently treat it.
The results of the cryolysis fat removal is permanent. You can still gain weight and lose the benefit of the treatment, just like after liposuction, if you over-eat and gain weight.

Does Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Treatment Work?

Cryolipolysis represents a significant advance in the treatment of problem fat collections. It has been a very effective alternative to liposuction for many patients. Cryolipolysis will never replace liposuction or a tummy tuck if that is truly what you need, but it is a safe and effective means of improving your body contour.
cryolipolysis machine uses controlled cooling to bring the targeted fat cells to just above freezing without harming the overlying skin. The device uses a vacuum handpiece to suction in your fatty area and cool it between two panels for an hour. It is meant for spot reduction on areas that are resistant to diet and exercise and our most popular areas to treat are upper and lower abdomen, love handles, arms and inner thighs. The key to getting a good result is having the right type of fat that suctions into the handpiece easily, this allows the cooling panels to do their job in a uniform way and produce a predictable amount of fat loss.
The result is not immediate, with the final result being present after 3-6 months. Within a few weeks your body’s natural healing process then removes the damaged fat cells, resulting in safe, gradual fat reduction. On average, eachcryolipolysis fat freeze procedure results in a 20% reduction of fat in the treated area, and patients can start to enjoy a toned, slimmer look three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results occurring over a period of two to three months.
When single anatomic areas are treated, the cryolipolysis procedure typically lasts about an hour. Depending on the magnitude of the problem, multiple treatments may be necessary. Cryolipolysis removes 20-25% of the fat in the treated area with each treatment. If further improvement is desired, the area can be re-treated with additional fat removal. In addition to being non-invasive, it truly has no recovery time, and normal activities can be resumed almost immediately.
Commonly treated areas include the abdomen, flanks, hips, bra strap area, inner thighs, outer thighs, saddle bags and banana rolls. Each area takes an hour to treat, and there is minimal discomfort during the treatment.
Unfortunately, the cryolysis fat removal procedure isn’t for everyone. Patients with large amounts of fat or loose skin may need more aggressive procedures. In this group, liposuction or skin resections may be more appropriate. It’s important to remember, that the best results occur when there’s appropriate patient selection and expectations are realistic. If your fat is dense and non pliable you will not get a good suction of fat into the handpiece and your result will be less than the 20-25%.
As we are born with a fixed amount of fat cells in the body, Cryolipolysis results are permanent because fat cells are broken down permanently during the process. Weight gain occurs with hypertrophy of the existing fat cells, not growth of new fat cells. It is for this reason that if you maintain your weight after Cryolipolysis, your results will be permanent.

Who Is The Best Candidate For Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive and safe technique for fat reduction and body contouring. While the results are not as dramatic as the results following liposuction and surgery, the absence of any downtime and the safety of the procedure make it a very popular choice for fat reduction and body contouring.
cryolipolysis is effective in reducing fat in the treated area by about 25%. It is not a weight loss technique but rather a body contouring procedure. It is best for stubborn areas of localized fat such as the “love handles” and the lower abdomen. Cryolipolysis will not work well with loose hanging tissues or thick rolls of fat.
cryolipolysis equipment can help reduce fat on the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, love handles, bra fat, male chest and some arms. Because it is non-surgical, there is no down-time after the treatment, and you can get back to your regular routine immediately. Patients typically lose 15-25% of the fat in the treated area, and can have repeat treatments in the same area for more reduction. This is a perfect treatment for patients with small areas of fat that they cant get rid of with diet and exercise alone.
cryolipolysis machine works best for those who are basically in good shape but have small isolated areas of fat that they would like to treat. Ideal candidates for the procedure have discrete and localized fat bulges on the abdomen, love handles, inner thighs, and back. Cryolipolysis is especially helpful when the fat bulge cannot be reduced by diet and exercise. Cryolipolysis treatments result in noticeable and natural looking fat reduction in the treated areas.
Other liposuction techniques that offer minimal downtime but remove more of the fat may prove better for some patients. For others, that absolutely do not want surgery, do not mind the cost, and perhaps, repeated treatments to achieve their goals may prefer Cryolipolysis fat freezing machine.
Multiple treatments are usually needed for the best results. If you are looking for generalized fat reduction, or larger, more extensive areas that you want reduced, Cryolipolysis is probably not the best treatment for you.

Does Cryolipolysis Really Work for Fat Reduction?

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure. Cryolipolysis is a procedure that uses a targeted cooling process that kills the fat cells underneath the skin, freezing them to the point of elimination. It is a proven, effective treatment for fat reduction.
cryolipolysis uses precisely controlled cooling to destroy fat cells, thereby eliminating unwanted love handles, bra rolls, and stomach fat. Cryolipolysis works by applying the head of the Cryolipolysis device to the targeted area. The extra skin and fat are then drawn into the head and between two cooling plates. This is accomplished by the application of suction. Once the fat and skin are between the two plates, the plates are compressed and then the temperature is dropped. The treatment time is normally one hour per area. At the end of that time, the device is removed and the area treated is massaged so that it can return back to its original contour.
The freezing of cryolipolysis body slimming machine starts the death cycle for the fat treated. The fat that is going to be eliminated slowly dies and the byproducts are safely absorbed and excreted by the body. Many people see an improvement within the first two to three weeks. Patients are told that the final outcome may take up to four months. It’s not uncommon for a patient to require a second application to achieve their goals.
The main advantages to cryolipolysis machine are the facts that it is not invasive and there is no downtime. The Cryolipolysis typically will not have the results of liposuction. With liposuction, the fat in question is removed and it’s immediately apparent how much fat has been eliminated. With Cryolipolysis, the patient must wait up to four months to appreciate the final result.
The results of cryolysis fat removal are more moderate, with a 20-25% reduction in fat. Results can be seen after a single session, but some patients see an improvement but might desire an additional treatment for optimal results. A repeat treatment in that area can give as much as a 40% fat reduction.
Patient selection and appropriate expectations are essential in receiving the best results. Cryolipolysis is the superior technique for larger areas needing fat reduction. cryolipolysis equipment is wonderful for removing stubborn areas of fat for people at or near a healthy weight. The ideal candidate is close to their ideal weight (not obese) and just have a stubborn bulge or two of fat. For people interest in losing a significant amount of weight, Cryolipolysis is not the ideal procedure.
Cryolipolysis is designed to removal fatty areas that does not respond to diet and exercise. It is not a weight loss procedure.

Non Surgical Permanent Fat Reduction With Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical device for permanent fat reduction. It can treat 20-25% of the fat for reduction. Cryolipolysis involves a non-surgical, non-invasive method of destroying fat cells while not damaging the skin and other tissues.
This cryolipolysis machine works by damaging the fat cells walls in the treatment area which are later removed through the body’s own metabolic process. An applicator is placed on the skin and the applicator cools the skin down to cause a permanent loss of fat cells in that given area. There is much less control over this process and each treatment can only reduce the amount of fat 20-25%, at best. The ice that forms in the fat cells destroys the cells and the body then gradually evacuates the destroyed fat cell contents.
cryolipolysis is a procedure in which you have a portion of the area you want treated pinched and frozen for about 45 minutes at a time. It needs to be done in multiple rather expensive sessions and is an option for those who are adamant about not having surgery but who are willing to have 4-5 sessions and a slightly less predictable and customized result.
cryolipolysis fat freeze treatments is best for patients with small areas of localized fat, and those who are within 10 to 20 pounds of their ideal body weight. One treatment of Cryolipolysis will remove about 25% of fat in the treatment area and can be repeated 3-4 months later if desired.
Cryolipolysis is very effective at reducing focal areas of fatty deposits. It is completely non-invasive. There are no needles, incisions, or injections associated with the cryolysis fat removal. There are no limitations after your Cryolipolysis sessions and it is not necessary to wear post treatment compression garmets. The final results are typically seen 6 to 10 weeks after each treatment. You can also receive additional Cryolipolysis treatments for an additive effect on the previously treated areas. The most common areas treated with Cryolipolysis are the abdomen, hips, flanks/love handles, back and bra-line.
Cryolipolysis has been an excellent alternative with high level of patient satisfaction. Liposuction is essentially sculpture of the body, where Cryolipolysis is a treatment that can reduce an area of fat excess, although the effect varies from patient to patient.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring Technologies

The body contouring technology can be divided into non-invasive and invasive. You can also sub-divide invasive and non-invasive into focal body contouring reductions and generalized slimming.
Liposuction is still the gold standard in focal and sequential multi-focal invasive body contouring. It uses small suction cannulas, with or without tumescent anesthesia, with or without lasers, ultrasound, propulsive jet sprays or radiofrequency energy to actively aspirate remove fat from localized areas of fatty accumulation.
Non-invasive body contouring technologies use some type of energy or stimulus to injure, destroy or alter the architecture of the fat cells without inserting any device under the skin, without performing any surgery. These non surgical techniques include Cryolipolysis, Ultrasound Cavitation, hifu and Lipo Laser. The common non-invasive energy forms used to create nonsurgical body contouring include radiofrequency currents, high frequency focused ultrasound, infrared energy coupled suction and massage and diode laser energy. These non invasive energies and technologies for the most part, like liposuction, are used to reduce focal areas of enlarged fat cells such as tummy, hips and thighs.
cryolipolysis is freezing the fat cells with a giant suction cup sucks the skin along with the underlying fat. The “sucked in” area is then chilled for an hour. The fat cells don’t pop, they undergo a slow death and are processed like any cell that dies in the body. The elimination of the damaged cells takes a few months. There is no pain or anesthesia, no incision and usually no bruising. The recovery is a bit of soreness, possibly some short term numbness.
cryolipolysis body slimming machine is great for treating larger fat deposits. If you can grab a handful of fat, you generally will benefit much more from Cryolipolysis. If you can only pinch an inch, and the skin is tight and can’t be sucked into the Cryolipolysis applicator, you might be better off doing Lipo Laser. Cryolipolysis can be done on the abdomen, love handles, and back.
lipo laser is a low level laser which is being promoted and used for body contouring. It works by causing a tiny puncture to the fat cell, which spews out its contents, which are then eliminated by normal body metabolism. Lipo Laser is designed to reduce the circumference of the waist, hips and thighs. It is not intended for weight loss. Lipo Laser is normally done on the abdomen and love handles.
For spot reduction in your saddlebags, liposuction is expected to produce a more dramatic change. However, Lipo Laser is completely non-invasive so doesn’t have risks associated with surgery. And best of all there is no recovery or downtime so you can resume all your normal activities immediately after each treatment.

Freeze Fat Away With Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Machine PZ 806

Cryolipolysis is a non invasive technology for permanent fat reduction by freezing localized areas of fat to the point of elimination. Cryolipolysis has been an excellent non invasive alternative to liposuction for patients with stubborn areas of localized fat which is resist resistant to diet and exercise.

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Machine PZ 806 works by applying a vacuum handpiece to your fatty area and cooling the extra skin and fat between two cooling plates for an hour. At the end of that time, the device is removed and the area treated is massaged so that it can return back to its original contour. The freezing starts the death cycle for the fat treated without affecting the skin or muscles. The fat that is going to be eliminated slowly dies and the byproducts are safely absorbed and excreted by the body. The dead cells are then removed naturally by the body through the liver.

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Machine PZ 806 is equipped with 2 independent Working systems and outstanding Thermo-Cool system which make it more effective with less stoppage and provide a more comfortable experience. The stable temperature control system makes sure the temperature is stable to prevent frostbite. There are 3 or 4 headpieces in 160mm and 220mm for option.

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Machine PZ 806 is designed for spot reduction on stubborn areas of localized fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It can help reduce fat on the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, love handles, bra fat, male chest and some arms.

There is no pain or anesthesia, no incision and usually no bruising. The recovery is a bit of soreness, possibly some short term numbness. Because it is non-surgical, there is no down-time after the treatment, and you can get back to your regular routine immediately.

Cryolipolysis is effective in reducing fat in the treated area by about 25%. Many people see an improvement within the first two to three weeks. It can give the most dramatic results when multiple areas are treated. Most people require one or two treatments to achieve maximal results.

However, Cryolipolysis is not a weight loss technique but rather a body contouring procedure. A healthy diet and exercise is still important to maintain the results.

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What is the Lipo Laser Treatment?

lipolaser treatments are a series of painless, non-surgical treatments by a laser overlying the body areas you want reduced. It is an alternative to liposuction, which reduces inches with no pain, no surgery and no downtime.
lipo laser is a low level laser therapy which is currently being used as an the treatment for fat removal. It proposes to melt fat across the skin without actually doing any liposuction on the patient. The treatments do not cause any discomfort. The results can vary depending on the individual.
The laser energy is tuned down to provide photonic stimulation only and is not a heat generating laser. Think of the different effects of photons stimulating plant cells to produce energy versus the heat of the Sun focused through a magnifying glass. The lipolaser results are not a result of thermal damage. The fat cells do not “melt”, but respond by releasing excess lipids through a pore in the cell membrane. Because the cells are not damaged as the lipids are released, there is no apparent inflammatory reaction, and results are seen within several weeks.
Liposuction gives by far a greater improvement and is easy to go through and has a quick recovery time but may not fit into your schedule or budget right now. Lipo Laser is an alternative that many are finding helpful and worthwhile.
Lipo Laser treatments are supposed to work on everyone regardless of weight including obese people. Lipo Laser PZ809 is an alternative to liposuction for those who want to completely avoid an invasive procedure and risk. It’s the perfect way to lose stubborn body fat from: neck, love handles, arms, hips, back/bra‐line, thighs, tummy/waistline and knees. Patients are losing between 3.6 to 5.5 inches and many are seeing even greater results when combined with a sensible diet and exercise program.
This may be significant for many patients and since there is no pain nor any down time, many patients are now enjoying the results. Some even are going through a 2nd series to get further improvements and some have noticed an improvement in their cellulite which is an added benefit since not much works on cellulite usually.

How Is The Effectiveness of IPL Hair Removal?

With the advancement in technology in laser hair removal over the last several years, it is not a surprise that there is confusion about what works best to get the optimum results you are looking for as a patient.
ipl and lasers can both be used for hair removal. Both treatments produce energy in order to interrupt the growth cycle of the hair follicles to reduce hair growth without damaging the surrounding tissue.
IPL intense pulsed light is highly concentrated pulses of light of many different colors (wavelengths). It is effective against hair because some of the wavelengths of light delivered are absorbed by the tissue and result in follicular heating and destruction.
Laser is light of only one wavelength or color. It is collimated which means all the rays of light are parallel and not scattered as with IPL. If the wavelength of the laser light beam matches what the target tissue (the hair follicle) will absorb, then you are using all your available light energy for the purpose desired and so it is more efficient. there are many different wavelengths of light used for lazer hair removal.
IPL is safer for darker skin types but it takes longer to achieve permanent results. Diode lasers are usually very effective and work best on light skin and dark hair. They also require less treatments.
intense pulsed light hair removal is least effective and has the most side effects for darker skin types because it does not have the correct wavelength range (1064 nm) to effectively treat this skin.
The most effective types of lasers for permanent hair removal are Diode and Alexandrite (light skinned patients) and Long Pulsed Nd:Yg (dark skinned patients).
Nd-Yag 1064, Alexandrite 755 and Diode 800 but there are many more types for different purposes. Some lasers are best for darker skinned patients to reduce the risk of pigmentation problems. Some lasers are faster for hair removal than others.
There are laser hair removal devices safe and effective for all skin colors. The Alexandrite laser is safest and most effective for light to medium toned skin and the Long pulsed nd yag is most effective and safest for darker skin types. IPL has never been shown to be as effective as these lasers for hair removal and can potentially cause significant damage to the skin.